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Writer's pictureJhocel Malicsi

11 Tips on How to Lose Weight

Updated: Jul 9, 2021

Losing weight can be a challenge especially if temptations are everywhere - restaurants are slowly getting back into business, food delivery is booming, YouTube influencers doing mukbang and food ASMR.

I have listed some tips on how to trim some unwanted weight. You will be surprised that most of them are easy to follow.

  1. Get a good night sleep. Getting enough sleep prevents the body from storing fats. Most people who stay late in the night and do not get enough sleep has a higher tendency to develop more cortisol. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for us to crave for sweet and starches which in turn makes us fat.

  2. Drink coffee. The good old cup of coffee everyone loves to sip early in the morning can actually help you lose some weight. Caffeine, a chemical present in coffees, can increase your metabolism which in turn helps in weight loss.

  3. Be an early bird. People who are active in the morning tends to be happier and thinner according to a UK study. This is not a coincidence provided that these people are probably having good night sleep every night.

  4. Give whole grain a shot. Whole grains are rich in fiber which help in digestion plus it makes you have the sensation of being full for longer thus avoiding eating more. So instead of eating the normal rice, pasta, bread, popcorn and crackers, choose their fiber-rich counterparts.

  5. No distractions while eating. Nowadays, technology and internet are integral parts of our daily lives. Yes it is true but leaving our phones for a moment while we eat will not kill us. This is mostly psychological. If we are eating while browsing the internet, we will not notice the time passing by thus eating more. If we leave our phones behind when we eat, we have the tendency to eat fast and eat less to get back to our social media. What could have happen in ten minutes while we are away, right?

  6. Drink water. Lots of it. This is something as old as our ages and it still holds true. Drinking lots of water cleanses our bodies and helps in metabolism. On top of that, drinking water before every meal decreases your appetite. It is also advisable to switch back to water and avoid sugary drinks.

  7. Try spicy food. Sriracha, chili pepper and hot sauce. Those things might be unbearable for some. Right now I am telling you, befriend your foe. Spicy food contains chemical called capsaicin, a well-known appetite suppressant. Not to mention spicy food will make you drink more water. Here is a chili oil you can put in almost all dishes:

  8. Put some herbs in your dishes. Dill, basil and the likes have kaempferol which prevents obesity-related disorders (according to a study conducted by Tieqiao Wang of BioMed Research International). This is another reason to grow your own herbs at home.

  9. Squeeze some lemons. Lemons are everywhere and there is a reason why - they want us to be healthy. Polyphenols found on these yellow citrus fruits has polyphenols which may react to the bacteria in the intestines to promote weight loss (medicalnewstoday). Lemons are obviously packed with vitamin C which reduces the fattening cortisol. Infused your drinking water with some lemons and include them in your salads if you want to utilize lemons' powers.

  10. Keep the temptations out of sight. This is pretty obvious. You will eat what is in front of you, the one easy to grab. If you hide your candies and chocolates far from bare sight and put your vegetables near, you will most likely eat the latter one or you will burn some calories looking for that tempting chocolate bar.

  11. Do not go grocery shopping when hungry. Going to the grocery hungry is like swimming in a sea full of temptations. You will starve more seeing the aisle of foods before you thus making you buy more and eat more. One thing you could do to avoid this is to eat before going to the grocery store.

That is it. Thank you very much for visiting my website and stay tuned for more tips and advise about beauty and wellness.

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